Pregnancy Question

How often should my baby move?
Your baby's movements provide useful information that helps your OB Provider care for you during your pregnancy. To keep track of your baby's movements, choose an hour after a meal (about the same time each day), when you are able to lie down on your side. Place your hands on your abdomen where you have noticed that your baby moved in the past. Count each time the baby moves. Your baby's movements may feel like kicks, flutters, twists or turns. You can stop counting after you feel 4 movements. If your baby moves less than four times during the hour, continue counting for another hour. If your baby moves less than four times during the second hour, you should call your OB Provider.

Should I be scared of contractions before my due date?
Before 36 weeks, if you are having painful contractions (3 or more per hour) lasting greater than 30 seconds, you should contact your OB provider. Braxton Hicks contractions (false contractions) last less than 30 seconds in length, are painless, and are common during pregnancy.

What should I know about toxemia?
Toxemia or high blood pressure occurring during pregnancy can be serious. If diagnosed with this condition, your blood pressure and lab work will be followed closely. Although it has many symptoms, some patients experience headaches, blurred vision or spots before their eyes. If you should develop high blood pressure in pregnancy, you may need to be put on bed rest, hospitalized, or delivered early.

Is it safe to have sex?
Yes. As long you do not have any serious complications of pregnancy it is safe to have sex as long as it is comfortable for you.

What is a PKU test and is it required for my baby?
All babies in Connecticut are tested for phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU is a serious life-threatening condition of the newborn. Detected early, this disorder can be effectively treated.

Should I quit cold turkey if I smoke?
Quitting smoking is strongly recommended. Quitting cold turkey is just as effective as any other method but many patients are unable to do this and will often need other smoking cessation interventions such as a smoking cessation program, or in some cases, nicotine patches. Contact your OB Provider to discuss the best method for you.

Am I considered high risk if I am Rh negative?
Rh isoimmunization can be very effectively prevented with rhogam injections at 28 weeks of gestation and postpartum. If you and the father of the baby are both Rh -, there is no risk. If you are Rh _ and the father is Rh + (or you don't know the father's blood type), you will receive rhogam at 28 weeks gestation and again postpartum if your baby is Rh +.

Can I paint my baby's nursery?
Limited exposure to hydrocarbons in a well ventilated setting carries no significant risk to the baby. Therefore, painting a baby's room is not considered a serious risk if there's good ventilation.

Does perineal massage really work?
Perineal massage can be helpful to avoid an episiotomy. However, there is no method that can guarantee the avoidance of an episiotomy in all situations.

Can I perm or dye my hair?
Exposure to the baby from the solutions used for perms or dying is not significant. Sometimes, hair will not take to the perm solution during pregnancy.

Is it safe to take over the counter medications?
Yes, the medications listed in the chart below are considered safe in pregnancy.

• Do not take aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, narcotics, or Cortisone/steroids unless ordered by your OB provider.

• You should check with your OB Provider about any medications that you may be taking to be sure that they are safe in pregnancy.

How can I relieve morning sickness?
Morning sickness is common during pregnancy and usually limited to the first trimester. Things you can do to avoid or minimize nausea and vomiting are: Eat small frequent meals; Eat simple carbohydrates, like crackers, pasta and fruit; Avoid spicy foods; Get out of bed slowly. Contact your OB provider if vomiting persists or you begin to lose weight. Anti-nausea medications, sea bands, acupuncture/acupressure, herbal remedies, or hypnosis can be discussed